Sunday, April 7, beginning at 2 p.m. and ending after the 6 p.m. Solemn Holy Mass with Rev. Msgr. Anthony Mancini, Cathedral Rector. Click for full schedule. Everyone welcome! Handicap Accessible - Parking Supervised by Security.
The Easter Vigil (also Paschal Vigil, Easter Vigil Mass or Mass of the Easter Vigil) is held after nightfall on Holy Saturday, it is the first Easter Mass to celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead, the most important feast in the church’s liturgical year. (Photo: George Martell)
Join us on a four mile walk to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless! We begin our day with a blessing and end with grilled cheese 'n chowder for all walkers! We kick off at St. John the Baptist Church, 69 Quincy Ave., Pawtucket. Click for more info!
Every year, the Church celebrates the great mysteries of the redemption of mankind in the “most sacred triduum of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection”(143). (Photo: Diocese of Providence)
During this Mass, Most Rev. Richard G. Henning, S.T.D., Bishop of Providence, will celebrate and be joined by dozens of concelebrating priests and many deacons from across the diocese as well as Bishop-Elect James T. Ruggieri, Homilist for the Chrism Mass. At this Mass, the priests of the diocese renew their priestly promises and the Bishop consecrates and blesses holy oils used in the sacramental rites of the church for the coming year. All are welcome!
Many of these special Holy Masses will be live streamed from the Cathedral on the diocesan YouTube channel, See the full list by visiting our 'Holy Week and Easter' webpage!
Your Lent Questions, Answered with Rev. Msgr. Anthony Mancini, Rector of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Providence. More for your Lenten Journey at
In Holy Week, the Church celebrates the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Christ in the last days of the earthly life, beginning with his messianic entry into Jerusalem...
Listen to Monsignor Anthony Mancini, Rector, Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence, as he explains the priest's role in the Chrism Mass. Join Bishop Henning and many of the priests and deacons from across our diocese at the sacred Chrism Mass in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Tuesday, March 26th at 7 p.m. Don't miss this beautiful and spiritually enriching Holy Mass!
We invite you to listen below as Monsignor Anthony Mancini, Rector of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence, explains the Holy Oils of the Chrism Mass. We hope you and yours are able to join Bishop Richard G. Henning, the priests and deacons of the diocese, and the faithful on Tues., March 26 at 7 the sacred Chrism Mass in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence.