Wednesday, February 9, 2022, Governor McKee announced a Friday, February 11 end to state mandates requiring masks and/or proof of vaccination for most indoor venues across the State of Rhode Island, which includes all churches.
Throughout the pandemic the Diocese of Providence has followed state and health department guidance and directives on coronavirus precautions. In accordance with the state's updated policy, Catholic churches and other indoor venues in the Diocese of Providence will not require masks or vaccination proof for attendance at Mass and any other events or gatherings—with the exception of schools which are governed by different requirements.
Catholic schools in the diocese will continue to observe their current policies and precautions until further guidance is received.
Individuals may choose to continue to wear masks at church.
Let us recall Bishop Tobin's call to prayer from his
December 15 statement on mask mandates:
"Let us renew our fervent prayers that Almighty God will lift this terrible pandemic from our midst and will give healing, comfort and peace to all."