Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence, recently issued a decree on the
Norms Regarding the Care of Sacred Places to the priests of the Diocese of Providence, RI, to be promulgated on September 17, 2020.
From the Decree: I hereby decree, with the force of particular law for the Diocese of Providence ( cf. can. 29 CIC), the following norms:
I decree that these norms be promulgated on September 17, 2020, by their publication in the official diocesan newspaper, The Rhode Island Catholic and the official diocesan website, and will have the force of law effective immediately upon promulgation ( cf. can. 8 §2 CIC)."
Given in Providence, at the Chancery, on the 8th Day of September, 2020, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin Bishop of Providence