COLLEGE OF CONSULTORS Bishop Tobin has appointed the following priests of the Diocese of Providence to serve as members of the Diocesan College of Consultors for a five year term effective September 1, 2021:
Most Reverend Robert C. Evans, Reverend Monsignor Raymond B. Bastia, Reverend Monsignor Albert A. Kenney, Reverend Monsignor Jacques L. Plante, Very Reverend William J. Ledoux, Reverend Robert F. Hawkins, Reverend Francis P. Kayatta, Reverend Christopher J. Murphy, Reverend Timothy D. Reilly, and Reverend Nolasco Tamayo
COUNCIL OF PRIESTS Bishop Tobin has appointed the following priests of the Diocese of Providence to serve as members of the Diocesan Council of Priests for a three year term effective September 1, 2021:
Most Reverend Robert C. Evans (ex-officio), Reverend Monsignor Raymond B. Bastia (exofficio), Reverend Monsignor Albert A. Kenney (ex-officio), Reverend Timothy D. Reilly (exofficio), Reverend Monsignor Jacques L. Plante, Very Reverend William J. Ledoux, Reverend Thomas J. Ferland, Reverend Roger C. Gagne, Reverend Robert F. Hawkins, Reverend Francis P. Kayatta, Reverend Christopher J. Murphy, Reverend David C. Procaccini, Reverend Mark A. Sauriol, Reverend Ryan J. Simas, Reverend John P. Soares, Reverend Gregory P. Stowe, Reverend James Sullivan, OP, and Reverend Nolasco Tamayo
ASSISTANT PASTOR Reverend Stephen Kwak Sunghwan, to Assistant Pastor, St. Anthony Parish, North Providence, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, North Providence, and St. Edward Parish,
Providence, effective September 10, 2021