In March 2024, Bishop Richard G. Henning, S.T.D., authorized the recruitment and formation of a new class of Permanent Deacons for the Diocese of Providence. Applicants discerning a vocation to the Permanent Diaconate should first discuss his potential application with the pastor of his parish.
Christ calls each of us to serve His church in different ways. Some are called to the priesthood, others to Holy Matrimony. Regardless of the path the faithful have chosen, there are many opportunities to spread the Gospel messages.
While most are called to lives in Holy Matrimony, some are called to the religious life as an avowed brother or sister, some are called to the Holy Priesthood and now, since Vatican Council II some are called to the diaconate, either in the celibate or married life. If a man has interest in, or feels called to serve The Church as a deacon, please review the following information concerning the diocesan Program of Formation.
The order of the diaconate is an ancient order of the Church re-instituted as a permanent office by Pope Paul VI at the suggestion of the Second Vatican Council (1963-65). While every priest is ordained a deacon as a necessary step towards ordination to the priesthood, ordination to the diaconate does not have to be transitory. Many are ordained to what is called the permanent diaconate and serve as deacons the rest of their lives.
Deacons are men who love God and love the Church; they feel called to serve in a more committed way. The role of the deacon is to be a helper of the bishops and priests and to proclaim by his life the Church’s call to serve the needs of others.
The Diaconate Office assists candidates in their formation through a five year program of academic instruction, spiritual development, human development and practical pastoral experience. Upon completion, each man is prepared to minister as a deacon in parishes and other ministerial situations, proclaiming The Gospel, and sometimes preaching on the Sacred writings, serving the poor and assisting in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy, and other rites of the Church.
Applicants for the Diaconate come from all backgrounds – from prior seminary experience to the worlds of the totally secular. The Program will be conducted by the Diocesan Diaconate Office with training in the Intellectual Dimension of Formation by an institution of higher education to be determined. While a college degree is not necessary to enter the program, the viable candidate must be able to master materials presented at the collegiate or graduate school level.
Learn more about the Deacon Formation Program in the Diocese of Providence