Yet faith comes from listening to this message of good news – the Good News about Christ.
– Romans 10:17
Communications and Public Relations is the conduit by which the Bishop of Providence and other officials of the Diocese of Providence convey information, statements, pastoral letters and related material to the public through the print, broadcast and electronic media in a timely manner. The office also provides counsel to parishes and schools on public and media relations. In addition, the office provides communications support to annual appeals; serves on the boards of the Rhode Island Catholic, the diocesan newspaper; produces and maintains the diocesan website; the diocese on social media; and much more. Beginning 2023, the office also produces the annual Diocesan Directory.
I believe that the goal is to understand how to enter into dialogue with the men and women of today, in order to appreciate their desires, their doubts, and their hopes… Do not be afraid to be this presence, expressing your Christian identity as you become citizens of this environment. A Church that follows this path learns how to walk with everybody! " - Pope Francis, address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications
Each year the Catholic Communication Collection is taken up the second weekend in June in our diocese. Half of this national collection remains in the Diocese of Providence and provides funding for so much of the good work the diocesan office of Communications and Public Relations provides. Below please find a list of the many offerings of diocesan Office of Communications and Public Relations, made possible in part by your donations to the annual Catholic Communication Campaign. Learn more! Thank you for your support!
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